Tac K.


Available Areas

Fukuoka (Living)



Japanese (Native), English


Response Time

Less than an hour


Availability Updated

5 days ago


About Tour Guide Tac K.

I was borne and raised in Fukuoka. I'm retired last year, and now slowly enjoying life. Before retireing, I work for IT related services for over 4 decades. My job roles were programmer, System Engineer, IT department Manager and IT project manager, additionally Internal Auditor. But, I feel it's a long time ago. I'm not a sporty person. I prefer reading books(Manga & novels) and listening music. Especially, I like Taiyou Matsumoto's commic & Tatsurou Yamashita's pop music. I also like outdoor activities like camping, jogging and chairing. Especially, enjoyning chairing. (Taking a folding chair and walk to the beach, which is 15 minutes away, and just relax.) I want to communicate with many people through the Japan as it is.